The Company

We are an organisation specialised in content on nutrition and gastronomy.

Our mission is to create and publisize content on gastronomy, with a nutrition focused outlook, to help people eat better and contribute to creating a healthier and happier society.

Our core values are:

  • Scientific rigor
  • Experience: We have been a reference in the field since 1999
  • Creativity both in our ability to innovate and in the design of our materials, websites, …
  • We are at the forefront when it comes to adapting new technologies and our work to a constantly shifting market
  • Entrepreneurial spirit: Gan leads projects to help create a healthier and happier society


Laboratorios y empresas del sector farmacológico que necesitan generar contenidos nutricionales.
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Empresas de productos alimenticios y que desean crear un mundo sano alrededor del mismo.
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Restauración Colectiva

Espacios donde se prepara y distribuye comida a hospitales, residencias geriátricas, centros de día, y empresas de catering, entre otros.
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Concienciar y educar sobre la importancia de la alimentación saludable: uno de los pilares básicos de las estrategias de RSC.
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Since GAN’s inception we have consistently believed in the importance of maintaining close relationships with universities, professional associations, scientific organisations and decision makers


GAN is an international and interprofessional group, formed by doctors, dieticians, chefs, pharmacists, psychologists, communicators, designers and IT specialists with the main objective of advising health professionals and the general population in nutrition and gastronomy.

GAN makes available a group of nutritionists distributed throughout Spain, we have nutritionists in Barcelona, ​​Madrid, Seville, Valencia, Bilbao, Vigo and Malaga..